Progress at Woody Bay Station

Published: 22nd March, 2023

Following a highly successful season in the new tea room at Woody Bay, further improvements have been made around the site.

Paul Curson

Outside, the waste bins have been moved to their own enclosure from the back of the station building

Paul Curson

 New passenger information signage, in Southern Railway style, replaces a pin board with laminated information sheets on the up platform.

Woody bay
Paul Curson

The signal cabin has been repainted to match the correct Southern Railway colours of the tea room, part of which can be seen behind it

Paul Curson

Inside the station building, the electrical supply within the shop has been rationalised and upgraded

Our volunteers have restored the fireplace in the former small tea room area and, in the same room, new shop units are being installed to better display the L & B clothing range. Other layout improvements are in progress within the shop area.

Paul Curson

In the wood, accessed from the down platform, earlier improvements were made by our volunteers to paths for the benefit of our visitors. In addition, wood piles were created to provide wildlife habitats as well as a shallow pond.